It can be challenging to find the right foods to eat while trying to eradicate candida from the body. However if you keep it simple and choose the foods which encourage the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and reduce the harmful bacteria then you should get good results. Please remember that the more diligent you are with your food choices, the better the results will be towards total elimination of Candida and improvement of overall long term health.
Foods to avoid
- A diet free of yeast and sugar, these foods feed the bacteria which cause Candida
- Avoid bread, alcohol, yeast spreads and sugar in all its forms (hint – when checking ingredient lists words ending in -ose generally refer to forms of sugar, eg. maltose, lactose, glucose)
- Eliminate fermented foods from your diet such as mushrooms, vinegar, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, alcohol, wine, bread and yeasts (including yeast breads)
- Eliminate simple sugars from your diet such as sugar, honey, cakes, breads, chocolate, biscuits and bakery type foods
- Eliminate dairy foods
- Avoid starchy vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, squash except zucchini, beets, peas, parsnips and beans (except green beans). They all contain sugar and can lead to Candida overgrowth
- Avoid condiments as they usually add a lot of sugar and vinegars to the recipe
Foods to increase
- Increase water intake to flush the kidneys and bowels of wastes and acidity
- Introduce herbal teas to increase your water intake and cleanse the digestion. Teas such as Peppermint, Ginger, Echinacea, Dandelion, Lemongrass and Fennel are ideal
- Begin each day with a small glass of warm water with ½ lemon squeezed into it. Lemon cleanses the bowels, switches on the liver and also helps to alkalise the blood
- Increase the amount of garlic in your diet as garlic and onions are antimicrobial (due mainly to the sulphur content). Also include ginger and chilli in the diet as these are beneficial to encourage digestion and cleansing and fight the infection
- Include more bitter foods in your diet such as lemon juice, radicchio, rocket, endive and beetroot leaves to stimulate digestion. se plenty of bitter salad greens such as rocket, endive, raddichio, chicory as a base for your salads
- Have a vegetable juice each day such as celery, ginger and beetroot
- Sugar and fruit free yoghurts containing live probiotics such as acidophilus and bifidus are a valuable addition to an anti candida diet
- There are some foods which actually inhibit the growth of Candida, these are raw garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, kale, coconut, cucumber, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, peppers, celery, radish, eggplant, asparagus, spinach, zucchini, okra, sprouts, tomatoes, avocado
- Increase quality protein sources. Choose fresh and organic proteins such as organic beef, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds
- Choose any nut except for ones which commonly contain moulds such as peanuts and pistachios
- Use coconut oil as it contains a natural anti-parasitic called Caprylic acid to slough off the bacteria
- As a guide use low glycaemic index foods (below 50)
- Choose gluten free products and breads, grains which are suitable are amaranth, quinoa, rice, kamut, buckwheat and millet
- Introduce herbal teas to increase your water intake and cleanse the digestion. Teas such as Peppermint, Ginger, Echinacea, Dandelion, Lemongrass and Fennel are ideal
- Begin each day with a small glass of warm water with ½ lemon squeezed into it. Lemon cleanses the bowels, switches on the liver and also helps to alkalise the blood
- Take a probiotic supplement to reinocculate the gut with good bacteria and produce antifungal enzymes. Many conditions of Candida are directly contributed to the wrong bacteria being housed in the bowels, by taking an acidophilius supplement such as this it helps to recorrect this imbalance and reduce symptoms such as bloating, thrush and constipation
- Increase the amount of garlic in your diet as garlic and onions are antimicrobial (due mainly to the sulphur content). Also include ginger and chilli in the diet as these are beneficial to encourage digestion and cleansing and fight the infection
- Include more bitter foods in your diet such as lemon juice, radicchio, rocket, endive and beetroot leaves to stimulate digestion. se plenty of bitter salad greens such as rocket, endive, raddichio, chicory as a base for your salads
- Have a vegetable juice each day such as celery, ginger and beetroot.
- Sugar and fruit free yoghurts containing live probiotics such as acidophilus and bifidus are a valuable addition to an anti candida diet.
- Take a Spirulina or Chlorella supplement, available at a health food store, as Spirulina is a blood cleanser and also an alkaliser.
- There are some foods which actually inhibit the growth of Candida, these are raw garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, kale, coconut, cucumber, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, peppers, celery, radish, eggplant, asparagus, spinach, zucchini, okra, sprouts, tomatoes, avocado.
- Increase quality protein sources. Choose fresh and organic proteins such as organic beef, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.
- Choose any nut except for ones which commonly contain moulds such as peanuts and pistachios.
- Use coconut oil as it contains a natural anti-parasitic called Caprylic acid to slough off the bacteria
- As a guide use low glycaemic index foods (below 50)
- Choose gluten free products and breads, grains which are suitable are amaranth, quinoa, rice, kamut, buckwheat and millet.
- Eat small meals often
- Probiotics help to reinocculate the gut with good bacteria and produce antifungal enzymes. Many conditions of Candida are directly contributed to the wrong bacteria being housed in the bowels, by taking an acidophilius supplement such as this it helps to recorrect this imbalance and reduce symptoms such as bloating, thrush and constipation
- Spirulina or Chlorella supplement are blood cleansers and also help to alkalise the body and change the pH levels so the bacteria can not proliferate
- Herbs which have a natural antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal effect are Pau D’arco, Wormwood, Dandelion, Rhubarb, Black Cumin, Oregon Grape, Bitter Orange, Cloves, Garlic, Thuja, Gentian, Neem, Golden Seal, Rhubarb, Black Walnut, Olive leaf, Echinacea, Agrimony and Barberry
- Improve digestion by increasing bitters such as Digestive enzymes and herbs such as Gentian, Meadowsweet, Dandelion, Piccorhiza, St Marys and Bupleurum
- Avoid alcohol
- Manage stress
- Address side effects of medications (oral contraceptive pill, antibiotics)
- Support liver, digestion and detoxification processes
- Eat small meals often
- Improve bowel function
- Rice flour porridge with nuts and yoghurt
- Plain omelette or add asparagus, spring onions, tomatoes
- Rice pudding shredded coconut and yoghurt
- Puffed rice or millet cereal
- Asparagus egg scramble with barley bread toast (yeast and sugar free)
- Oat porridge with nuts
- Buckwheat pancakes with macadamia spread
- Fried egg and tomato with yeast, sugar and gluten free bread
- Cabbage and split pea soup
- Coconut avocado soup
- Chicken and coconut soup
- Chicken and barley soup
- Pumpkin soup or Lentil and vegetable soup
- Poppadums with Curried egg
- Rice Paper Rolls (with salmon or organic chicken)
- Spinach & egg pie with asparagus (gluten free and yeast free pastry)
- Rice cakes with tahini, avocado, spring onions, salmon, cucumber
- Humus or babaganoush
- Homemade sushi – brown rice with salmon and avocado
- Salmon or tuna salad wraps
- Vegetable rice pancakes
- Rice & lentils
- Rocket terrine and tomato salsa
- Vermicelli noodles with chicken, coriander, garlic and spring onions
- Spanish chicken & fish paella
- Creamy beef
- Chicken Tandoori Style
- Marinated Beef with vermicelli noodles or salad
- Coconut steak dianne
- Yoghurt lamb & eggplant
- Mirin asian pork
- Chickpea stuffed peppers
- Garlic & lime rice
- Pea & saffron risotto
- Coconut rice
- Grilled fish kebabs
- Skewered Lamb
- Sesame chicken and green salad
- Rosemary lamb & vegetables
- Chicken and spicy rice
- Stuffed eggplant
- Fish pilau and coconut
- Fried rice
- Chicken stuffed capsicums
- Chicken and pea patties
- Garlic Fish and coconut
- Basil pesto rice pasta
- Grilled fish and coconut curry with rice
- Vegetables and salads
- Broccoli with avocado, olive oil and lemon dressing
- Coconut curry vegetables with rice
- Roasted garlic
- Ratitouille with capsicum and tomato sauce
- Chicken and rocket Salad Guacamole with garlic, coriander, lemon juice and tomato
- Waldorf salad
- Coleslaw
- Thai beef salad
- Chicken & rice salad
- Chicken salad and egg green salad
- Salmon & egg salad
- Lime water, lemon water, coconut water, water with mint
- Vegetable Juices
- Herbal teas
- Soda water with Angosturi Bitters
- Spicy Tea