Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a type of Anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and intrusive thoughts and compulsive, time-consuming behaviors that shape and sometimes dominate a person’s life. The OCD patient is often aware that these thoughts and behaviors are irrational. This condition is often exacerbated by underlying nervous symptoms such as anxiety or depression.


Symptoms of anxiety can be overwhelming for many people and they often contribute to other symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations and inability to cope with life’s pressures. Stress hormones produced by the adrenals (cortisol and aldosterone) are released when we are experiencing a situation such as an argument, working long hours, illness, fatigue etc. These hormones stimulate the nerves (neuro-excitory) and may cause additional symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, fear, panic and distress. Long term production of these hormones is detrimental to the health and wellbeing of an individual due to the overstimulation and overactivity of the adrenals causing adrenal burnout.


  • Begin an exercise regime. Insufficient exercise has been directly associated with depression in many studies, this is because inactive people produce less endorphins (happy hormones i.e. serotonin) in the brain.
  • Consider doing a liver detoxification in the near future as there is a direct relationship between the health of the liver and the attitude of the mind. In Chinese medicine the liver houses the emotion anger, so by improving the way the liver removes wastes and toxins from the body will also impact the outlook of the emotions.
  • Reduce stress levels by making the changes necessary to improve your personal happiness (improve relationships, family life, decrease workload, see a counsellor, begin a hobby or sport) Improve your daily lifestyle by doing the things that make you feel contented and remember that happiness is your responsibility.
  • Be gentle with yourself and take the steps forward to improve your quality of life


  • Withania reduces cortisol production from the adrenals and has adaptogenic, anti-stress, anxiolytic, anti-depressant and mild sedative qualities to help calm the mind and spirit
  • Magnolia is a gentle nervous system herb that may help to ease feelings of anxiety due to its anxiolytic, anti-depressant, carminative effects
  • Chamomile is a very nourishing herb for the nervous system. Chamomile is a relaxant and calminative
  • Zizyphus has a tonifying effect on the nervous system and is a gentle sedative and relaxant
  • Passionflower is indicated for people whom experience nervousness, palpitations and sleep problems, its effects are anxiolytic, relaxant and work to calm the overactive nerves
  • St Johns Wort may be of benefit for this condition due to its anti-depressant and serotonin (happy brain hormone) effects
  • 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) may be an effective treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by improving brain and nervous system function and increasing Serotonin levels (happy hormones production in the brain)
  • Tryptophan may alleviate the symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder due to it being a precursor for the endogenous production of Serotonin
  • One common nutrient deficiency seen when the nerves are strung out is the family of B Vitamins, specifically B5 (to minimise the exhaustion of cortisol as it is a precursor to its production) and B6
  • Magnesium is a vital nutrient for feeding the nerves and muscles and is depleted easily during times of stress
  • Australian Bush flower remedies may help to take the edge off anxiety and promote a sense of wellbeing. Black Eyed Susan, Bauhinia, Crowea, Dog Rose, Gymea Lily, Jacaranda, Paw Paw,and Southern Cross. Bach Flower Rescue Remedy may help to ease the burden of stress and tension caused by emotional trauma