

  • The essentail oils of Carrot, Calendula, Neroli, Borage seed, Orange or Tangerine when combined with one or two of the base oils above and massaged into the problematic area may help to reduce the scars over time. These are highly nutritious oils which are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C which help the skin to maintain elasticity
  • Some herbs and nutrients which can promote skin health are Gotu Kola, Vitamin C and bioflavinoids, Lavender, Rosehips, Vitamin A,Vitamin E, Silica, Zinc and Boswellia
  • Zinc is a mineral needed for wound repair and may also help reduce scars


  • Regular Acupuncture sessions to help disperse the scar tissue
  • Dermal abrassion
  • Skin brush using circular motions every second day. Skin brushing is a great way to stimulate lymphatic movement, break down scarring and promote skin health
  • Massage nourishing oils into the area such as Coconut oil, sesame oil, Lavender oil, Hypericum oil, Vitamin E, Jojoba oil, Sweet Almond oil, Shea butter, Apricot kernal oil or Rosehip oil
There are many beauty treatments which claim to reduce the appearance of scars, however the problem is difficult to manage and requires addressing over a long period of time as unfortunately there are no miracle solutions.