
Ringworm is the name commonly given to an infectious fungal diseasemedically called Dermaphytoses. This fungus produces symptoms ofitching, redness, small blisters and scaly skin on the feet, hands,nails, scalp and arms. Other names for this skin complaint are Tinea or Athletes Foot.

There are many treatment options for helping to soothe and calm theitch associated with ringworm and these may also help to eradicate thefungus from the body also.

Skin complaints often present on the skins surface due to internalenvironmental changes within the body. Fungi are opportunistic andwill arise when the internal conditions are suitable for it tomultiply. The ideal conditions for it spreading are an overly acidicdigestive system and blood pH, decreased liver function, a diet high insugar and refined carbohydrates, alcohol and limited amounts of goodbacteria throughout the digestive tract.


  • An alkalising diet is imperative to change the acid PH of the blood and digestion which these fungi thrive on
  • Begin each day with a small glass of warm water with 1/2 a lemon squeezed into it. Lemon has a very alkalising and cleansing effect on the digestion, bowels and skin
  • Take apple cider vinegar internally and also dab it onto infected area. Apple cider vinegar may help to restore pH balance to the skin and gut
  • Plenty of onion and garlic in the diet is important as it contains nutrients to kill bacteria and fungi


  • Treat the underlying immune weakness
  • Consider a thorough liver, bowel and lymphatic cleanse
  • Address Candida overproliferation


  • The Homeopathic remedy Thuja is specific for ridding the body of overgrown micro-organisms such as ringworm. You can also buy Thuja as a topical cream to apply to the affected area
  • Colloidal silver and Olive leaf extract are powerful antifungals
  • Creams which contain Tea tree oil, calendula, manuka honey, colloidal silver, aloe vera and neem may give relief to inflamed, itchy skin and also provide anti-fungal effects straight to the skin when applied topically
  • Specific anti-fungal herbs taken internally such as Pau D’arco, Wormwood, Dandelion, Rhubarb, Black Cumin, Oregon Grape, Bitter Orange, Garlic, Thuja, Cloves, Gentian, Neem, Golden Seal, Rhubarb, Black Walnut, Olive leaf, Echinacea, Agrimony and Barberry
  • Probiotics may help to ensure more good bacteria grows within the digestive system and reduces the fungal infestation
  • The herbs St Marys Thistle, Dandelion Root, Schizandra, Red Clover, Golden seal, Cleavers, Poke root, Baptisia or Burdock may help to cleanse the blood, stimulate the lymphatics and promote liver cleansing