Sciatic pain is a very debilitating condition of the neuromuscular system which causes pain and numbness often experienced down the leg. It generally occurs as a result of nerve compression located in the lumbar or sacral spine. This results in the loss of feeling (sensory loss), temporary paralysis of the limb and insomnia due to discomfort.
- Sciatica or Lumbar spine sublaxations (misaligned vertebrae) causes the sciatic nerve to be pinched due to posturalmisalignment or inflammation of the nerves due to damage of thevertebra in the back. The pain radiates from the lower back to thebuttocks, thigh, calf and foot
- Muscle weakness due to protein deficiency, CoQ10, Magnesium or BVitamin deficiencies which are commonly associated with the symptomsyou are experiencing
- Electrolyte imbalances of magnesium and potassium. These nutrientsfeed the muscles by providing important cofactors to potentiate energywithin the muscles and ensure proper nerve conduction to themuscles. Many women are deficient in these nutrients due to stress,menstrual irregularities, pharmaceutical medications, use of the oralcontraceptive pill, nervous system or mental diseases
- Poor posture or repetitive strain injury (i.e. sitting in a non-ergonomic chair at your work desk
- Arthritic joints which manifest as either hot, inflammed joints or cold, clicking joints
- Overexercising causing micro trauma to the muscles and tendons ormovements which are not properly supported by engaged muscles. A buildup of lactic acid in the muscles and joints can leave them feeling weakand painful after exercise
- Pregnancy or childbirth
- Non-spinal disorders such as diabetes or constipation
- Herniated or bulging discs (slipped disc)
- Piriformis Syndrome
The Piriformis muscle is located in the lower part of the spine and connects to the thighbone, its primary function is to initiate hip rotation. The sciatic nerve runs directly beneath the piriformis muscle. This muscle is highly susceptible to injury due to sports injury, falls, arthritis or a difference in the length of the legs. These situations can cause cramps and spasms to the piriformis muscle and consequently pinching of the sciatic nerve causing inflammation and pain.
There are many disorders that can underly sciatica and the first step is to determine what is the primary problem. Tests include:
- X-ray
- Postural analysis
- Orthopaedic tests
- Acupuncture may help to reduce pain and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system
- Regular yoga and stretching exercises to help ease the nerve inflammation
- Massages may help to loosen muscles and relax nerves
- Epsom salt baths may help to relieve pain and aches by providing the muscles and nerves with more Magnesium to encourage relaxation
- If you stand or sit for long periods of time be sure to move around and stretch often so the area does not cease up. Also ensure that your posture is correct and if you exercise be gentle on yourself and do not over exert yourself causing more trauma and inflammation to the area
- Non weight bearing exercise such as swimming
- Address underlying nervous system stress, manage stress appropriately
- Address underlying inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, old sports injuries
- Vitamin B12 (administered via intramuscular injection) may reduce the pain associated with sciatica
- Lipoic acid promotes circulation, oxygenation and ATP production within the muscles to reduce pain and inflammation
- Magnesium supplementation may help to encourage the muscles to relax and also provide potent anti-inflammatory effects
- Herbs to promote skeletal muscle relaxation and pain relief are: Chamomile, ginger, ginkgo, kava, hops, korean ginseng, siberian ginseng, devils claw, tienchi ginseng, boswellia, noni, zizyphus, mexican valerian, passionflower and willowbark.
- Fish Oil contains Omega 3 essential fatty acids which are highly anti-inflammatory for the muscles and joints
- Rosemary oil, Tiger Balm or Natures Remedy Pain Relief cream (oil applied topically) may alleviate aches and pains and provide temporary relief
- Address protein deficiency
- Common nutrient deficiencies are CoQ10, Magneisum and B Vitamins
- Ensure adequate water intake as recent studies link pain with dehydration