Search results for "probiotics"

Strep Throat Sally James | 08/09/2022

Strep throat (pharyngitis) is an ailment characterized by inflammation of the pharynx (throat). This infection is common in school kids. The bacteria that cause Strep throat (group A streptococcus are highly contagious and the schoolyard is a perfect breeding ground. Therefore it is very important to teach your child the importance of hand washing. A […]

Chest Infection Sally James | 09/09/2022

A nasty chest infection warrants medical investigation if you are suffering from fever, chills, shortness of breath or chronic lethargy. It is advisable to seek the support of a health care professional who can properly diagnose your individual case and give you the support you require if you are unsure. If you have a history […]

Stopping Synthetic Hormones Sally James | 14/09/2022

When quitting the Oral contraceptive pill (OCP) supporting your body to remove the excess synthetic estrogens from the body. To help reduce any side effects it is important to do a cleanse or detoxification and rebalance hormones. WHICH MINERALS AND VITAMINS DOES THE ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE PILL DEPLETE? The oral contraceptive pill is known to deplete […]

Preconception Cleanse Sally James | 15/09/2022

Congratulations on your decision to start a family, it is a special time of life for you and your partner. It is beneficial for both partners to do a thorough cleanse and detoxification prior to attempting to conceive as this helps to increase fertility levels, decrease the risk of miscarriage and minimises nutritional deficiencies. It […]

Influenza Sally James | 19/09/2022

INFLUENZA (FLU) IS A COMMON, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS VIRUS THAT AFFECTS THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM.  There are two basic seasonal influenza viruses – A and B – can cause a mild to serious illness in people and even death in young children, older adults and vulnerable people. These flu’s are called winter flu’s as they commonly emerge […]

Chelation Therapy Sally James | 19/09/2022

Chelation Therapy is a procedure that involves administration of various chelating agents (either orally or via intravenous injection) to remove toxic heavy metals from the body such as Aluminium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury. Chelation therapy works by bonding to and chelating the heavy metals, allowing them to be removed via the Kidneys. People receive […]

Gastritis Food Choices Sally James | 20/09/2022

For sufferers of Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), eating can be a painful experience. Doctors once recommended a diet consisting of only bland foods. This was helpful to some as it meant the elimination of the foods which aggravated the condition such as spices, fatty foods and fried foods. However there are healthy food […]

Blood in the Stool Sally James | 22/09/2022

The discovery of blood in the stool due to rectal bleeding is an indication of trauma to the area, the problem is often harmless and self-limiting, however there is some cause for concern and further investigation is warranted. The color of the blood will help to indicate where the problem is originating. Blood which is […]

Enema Bowel Cleansing Sally James | 22/09/2022

A bowel enema is the procedure of introducing liquids to cleanse the colon via the anus. The water volume causes expansion of the lower gastrointestinal tract causing the bowel wall to contract releasing wastes from the bowel wall. Enemas can be beneficial in helping to restore normal bowel function in individuals suffering from chronic illnesses, […]

Anal Fissures Sally James | 27/09/2022

WHAT IS AN ANAL FISSURE An anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anal canal, adults may develop anal fissures as a result of passing hard or large stools during bowel movements, bowel spasms, injury or trauma to the area, straining in constipation (haemorrhoids) or as a secondary complaint of digestive […]