Vitex Agnus Castus is used to normalise female reproductive issues as it helps to modulate the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone ratio specifically in the luteal phase of your cycle (ovulation). Vitex may also help to regulate and sustain a pregnancy during implantation of a fertilised ovum. Vitex may assist in correcting Luteal hormones (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH), estrogen and progesterone and reduce symptoms of premenstrual tension. It is important to remember that any reproductive irregularities while taking these supplements will take at least a couple of months (3-6) to begin to change.
Many times females have difficulty conceiving due to the fact thattheir hormones just aren’t in sync with their ovulation times. Considerbeginning a diary which charts your days of ovulation, premenstrualsymtoms, temperature, the first day of your period and mucus discharge,as this can give clues as to what is happening with your cycle and whenyou are ovulating.
The first day of your period is considered day one of your cycle. Itis around day 14 – 16 that you would expect to ovulate (release an eggfrom your ovary) and hence would have the best chance of fallingpregnant, however as the actual day of ovulation is difficult to judge,you should be aware that you might fall pregnant 3 – 4 days either sideof ovulation. This is of course if you are having a regular 28 – 29 day cycle. One of the best ways to judge that you are ovulating is theamount and type of vaginal mucous produced. Fertile mucous is likeuncooked egg white – clear, slippery and stretchy. Another way to tellis by taking your temperature every day with a fertility thermometer.At ovulation your temperature will increase by 1/2 a degree. If you buy afertility thermometer it is likely to come with all the information youneed to understand how to do this. I suggest you may like to do somereading so that you understand your menstrual cycle and fertilitybetter. A great book is Natural Fertility by Francesca Naish.
Your concern regarding the use of these supplements if you happen tofall pregnant is justified as many herbs are contraindicated throughoutpregnancy. The reason for this is that there is not enough safety dataavailable during this sensitive time of pregnancy. What this means isthat although they are not safe to use they can still be tolerated. Iwould recommend that when you realise that you are pregnant, usually inthe first month, that you simply discontinue the use of these products,with no harm to you or your baby.
It is helpful to get a full blood profile (which includes ironlevels and thyroid function) and a salivary test to diagnose hormonalimbalances. A naturopathic consultation can also help find any nutritionaldeficiencies you may be unaware of, educate you in your lifestylechoices and prepare you for pregnancy.
Vitex Agnus Castus is a reproductive herb which can help to provide significant relief to menstrual discomfort. It is used to normalise female reproductive issues as it helps to modulate the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone ratio specifically in the luteal phase of your cycle (ovulation). Vitex may also help to regulate and sustain a pregnancy during implantation of a fertilised ovum. Vitex may assist in correcting Luteal hormones (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH), estrogen and progesterone and reduce symptoms of premenstrual tension. It is important to remember that any reproductive irregularities while taking these supplements will take at least a couple of months (3-6) to begin to change.