Digestive complaints such haemorrhoids is a common indication of insufficient digestive processes, decreased liver function (heat) and inadequate digestive enzymes to properly digest the foods you consume as well as inflammation present in the small intestines. Haemorrhoids occur due to bowel and liver stagnation and are characterised by swollen and inflamed veins around the anus and rectum. This results due to constipation, straining and pressure on the lower bowel, often the leading cause is insufficient digestion and liver congestion.
When we ingest foods we produce enzymes in the mouth and stomach which break down the foods and help us to absorb nutrients. If we do not have enough enzymes to break foods down then it sits in the stomach and ferments which then produces gas and fermentation and causes the stomach to experience discomfort. Also if there is inflammation present in the colon then the digestive processes are greatly decreased leading to complaints such as constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel and digestive conditions.
Keeping the body cool, clean and hydrated may help to reduce symptoms of damp heat. In Chinese medicine a damp, moist environment can breed fungal infections so this is something that you should also be considering, especially if you are susceptible to fungal irritations or Candida (bacterial overproliferation) infections. Addressing liver congestion, blood cleansing and bowel health is important to reduce heat and dampness in the body.
The liver is most active between 1-3am when it is processing wastes, cleansing, eliminating lymphatic junk and regenerating. If the liver is burdened due to a sluggish system, recent ill health, allergies, pharmaceutical medication side effects or poor diet then it may heat up due to being over worked. Liver heat is an underlying reason of dampness, hemorrhoids and a dry bowel (constipation).
Often people will wake during this time of 1-3am feeling thirsty and hot because the liver is working over time and many will often feel unrefreshed in the morning. Damp heat can be a symptom related to liver congestion, inadequate digestion and fungal infections.
- Assess liver and kidney function
- Consider taking an electrolyte powder supplement which can be added to water. These powders are available in health food stores and contain the basic electrolytes Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium
- Ensure that you are receiving adequate amounts of fluid intake throughout the day, especially if you are a warm constitution or if you exercise and sweat alot
- Reduce the amount of sugar, salt, diuretics, tea, coffee, alcohol and soft drinks in her diet as these will all reduce the amount of water the body is able to utilise and also affect kidney function
- Don’t eat large amounts of food at each meal, stick to eating smaller meals more often during the day. If you have limited amounts of digestive enzymes then large meals will greatly increase bloating.
- Start each day with a small glass of warm water with ½ lemon squeezed in it. Lemon juice increases digestive juices, cleanses the bowels and kick starts the liver to detoxify. Lemon juice also has the ability to clean out the pockets of diverticuli in the bowels and reduce stagnation
- Ensure adequate hydration because if the bowels dry out the stools will be harder to pass and contribute to bowel leisons, hemorrhoids or further inflammation
- Eat more green bitter foods such as rocket, radicchio and endive as these bitter foods promote digestion
- Peppermint, Dandelion, Burdock and Chamomile teas are great digestive herbs and when taken between meals promote better digestion, bowel and liver function
- Include oils in your diet such as avocados, fish, raw olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts and seeds as oil lubricates the walls of the colon making it easier to pass stools and also reduce inflammation in the body
- Don’t drink large amounts of liquids 20 minutes prior to eating or after eating as it will dilute the digestive enzymes and reduce digestive function further
- Reduce foods such as sugar, wheat, dairy, preserved, processed and refined foods and flour, tea, coffee and alcohol as these may decrease the effectiveness of your digestion and are common irritants to the digestive tract