Weight Management


Exercise uses energy stored in muscles and fat
An increase in exercise (particularly cardiovascular exercise) expends a large amount of energy. This energy source is liberated from proteins stored in muscles, and carbohydrates and fats stored in adipose tissue. Many athletes will take a protein supplement after a workout to ensure that the muscles are replenished with protein to assist in muscle growth and repair and also to reduce any excessive lactic acid build up, tiredness, fatigue, microtrauma and muscle wasting.


Increasing carbohydrates in the diet is also important for maintaining weight when exercise and calorie burning are increased. To maintain weight, energy expenditure (exercise) must equal energy intake (food). Weight maintenance is about balancing these two factors. When this does not happen and our energy intake is lower than the energy we use, we have a decrease in body weight and vice verse. In your case it will be important to ensure that fat loss does not occur due to you consuming less carbohydrates in your diet in relation to your energy output. To maintain weight after heavy exercise you will need to consume mostly medium and high GI foods. A high GI (50+ value) food causes a rapid rise in blood glucose levels and is suitable for energy recovery after endurance exercise. Please show a little caution around your food choices because it is not advisable to increase the amount of refined sugar in your diet. Although you are requiring a higher GI (glycaemic index) value for foods taken after exercise, it is also important to maintain Low GI foods (less than 50) in your daily diet. Low GI foods will release glucose more slowly and steadily allowing you to maintain a suitable level of energy throughout the day.
Carbohydrate foods with their equivalent glycaemic index amount.

  • Fruit – Papaya 56, Banana 52, Kiwi 58, Mango 51, Apricots 57, Dried Figs 61, Raisons 56, Rockmelon 65, Pineapple 66, Watermelon 72, Dates 103
  • Vegetables – Onions 60, Red Peppers 64, Carrots 75, Corn 69, Green Peas 97, Beetroot 67, Pumpkin 70, Potato 71, Parsnip 71
  • Grains – Oat bran 55, Puffed Wheat 67, Special K 69, Bran Flakes 74, Rice Puffs 82, Corn Flakes 92
  • Crackers – Ryvita 74, Melba toast 78, Kavli crisps 82, Rice cracker 52
  • Pasta, rice & grains – Spaghetti 43, Fettucini (eggs) 46, Linguine 55, Rice Vermicelli 87, Brown rice 69, Long grain white rice 72, Basmati rice 98
  • Breads – Buckwheat 53, Cornmeal 57, Pumpernickel 58, Sourdough 61, Wholemeal rye 68


The recommended daily intake of protein when undertaking intensive training regimes is 1gram of protein per 1kg of body weight. For example if you weigh 60kgs then you need to consume about 60grams of protein/ per day. Generally it is advised to consume 3-4 servings of approximately 15-20grams of protein per meal.
Protein rich foods and the amount of protein (grams) per 100gms of food item for your information.

  • Soy – protein isolate 80g, Soy milk 3g, Tofu 10g
  • Dairy foods – 1/2 cup of milk 5g, Yoghurt 5g, Cheddar cheese 24g, Ricotta cheese 11g, Cottage cheese 13g
  • Egg 14g
  • Spirulina 57g
  • Meats – Veal 36g, Lamb 35g, Pork 32g, Beef 31g, Chicken 30g, Tuna 30g, Turkey 30g
  • Legumes – Lima beans 21g, Adzuki beans 19g, Soyabeans 16g, Lentils 9g, Baked beans 5g
  • Nuts – Almonds 21g, Brazil nuts 16g, Cashews 16g, Hazelnuts 16g, Macadamias 8g, Walnuts 16g


  • Protein powder added to muesli, fruit, yoghurt or a smoothie. Purchase one which has no added sugar, artificial ingredients or preservatives and one which has a balanced amount of protein and carbohydrates.
  • A rice or Soy based protein powder which you can add to water, juice or a fruit smoothie.
  • Add yoghurt and nuts to a fruit smoothie or have a handful after exercise.
  • Egg white albumin powder contains high amounts of nutritional protein as an alternative to dairy based protein powders.
  • Add ground up linseeds, soy and almonds (LSA) to fruit, smoothies, yoghurt, pancakes or cooking.
  • Eat more protein in your diet – fish, organic chicken and meats, nuts and seeds, tofu and free range chickens.