Protein Digestion

The choice between a vegetarian, vegan or carnivorous diet is one each individual has to make for themselves. The reasons behind their decision can relate to health, religious, moral, taste and spiritual reasons.

Reintroducing chicken or animal protein into the diet after being a vegetarian may mean that the body takes a little while to adjust. It may be a good idea to go slow and introduce only a small amount of animal protein at a time. Animal protein is a concentrated food source which requires sufficient digestive fire (tapas) to break it down, assimilate the nutrients, process and remove from the body.


  • Consume bitter foods such as lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or bitter lettuces (rocket, endive, raddichio, kale) as these contain many naturally occurring digestive enzymes to help the breakdown of protein in the diet
  • Digestive enzyme supplements which contains pepsin, papain and betaine may help to better help assimilate the protein consumed in a meal. Always take digestive enzymes prior to a meal
  • Eat small meals often
  • Reintroduce a small amount of protein at a time so as to not overburden the digestion
  • Begin each day with a glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it
  • Animal protein requires an acidic digestive environment in the stomach. Herbs which promote digestion and digestive enzymes are Gentian, Meadowsweet, Agrimony, Peppermint, Aniseed, Fennel, Ginger, Caraway
  • Adequate digestive and bowel bacteria is essential for encouraging a healthy digestive environment while decreasing gas production. Taking a probiotic supplement will ensure better digestion
  • The digestive enzyme bromelain from pineapples is specific for helping to digest protein
  • Build the tapas in the stomach (digestive fire) by ensuring good metabolism and digestion and exercise to ensure bowel motility and improve digestion