Teeth enamel is the thin outer layer shell of the teeth which is constantly exposed to the environment, germs, foods and saliva. It is no wonder that erosion of the tooth enamel is such a common complaint for many individuals. Teeth enamel is considered the hardest tissue in the human body, it covers the crown of the tooth. The enamel provides a protective surface to the dentin (inner tooth material) and also against changing temperatures.Constant daily chewing, grinding and crunching can erode the enamel and it therefore is in jeopardy of chipping, cracking and breaking. Demineralisation occurs frequently in individuals with a poor diet, 95% of the enamel is of mineral composition. Diet plays a crucial role in the health of the teeth, a diet high in processed, artificial and sugary foods create an environment where the enamel weakens drastically. The bacteria in plaque produce acids that attach to tooth enamel. The stickiness of the plaque keeps these acids in direct contact with the surface of the teeth and gradually will weaken the protective enamel.
- Coffee, tea, caffeine drinks, red wine, fruit juices, sugar and cigarettes all can weaken and stain the enamel of the teeth
- Chemicals
- Excessive soft drink consumption due to sugar content and also high levels of phosphoric acid
- Dry mouth
- Diet high in sugar, caffeine and starches
- High acid reflux conditions
- Gastrointestinal conditions (vomiting, alcoholism, bulimia)
- Teeth plaque (hygiène)
- Side effects of certain medications (antihistamines, aspirin)
- Genetics
- Gum disease
- Poor brushing and flossing habits
- Injury and damage – friction, abrasion, bruxism (teeth grinding) and corrosion
- Over brushing and hard brushing of the teeth
- Tooth sensitivity – temperature of food and drinks (hot and cold)
- Tooth discolouration
- Teeth cracks and chips
- White, grey, brown or black spots appearing on the teeth
- Severe tooth pain
- Avoid sugary, starchy and acidic foods and drinks as these create an acidic environment and create detrimental bacteria
- Improve your nutritional status – green leafy vegetables, mineralising bone broths
- Increase Green leafy vegetables in your diet as they are high in Vitamin K to help heal cavities and remineralise the teeth
- Ensure that you eat raw foods in your diet, the crunchiness of these foods help to keep the coating and dentin in health
- Ensure that you are adequately hydrated. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of bacterial oral health issues
- Include lots of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet to ensure that the teeth are able to reinforce in strength and density
- Decrease your consumption of breads and cereals – it is the phytic acid that is present in these that blocks the absorption of minerals and causes the issues (sprouting your grains, nuts, and seeds will help to reduce this problem)
- Home made bone broths are a potent source of Calcium, Gelatin and essential minerals which are easily absorbed and encourage bone and remineralisation of enamel growth
- Use traditional sea salt rather than Iodised table salt as it contains true trace minerals essential for teeth health
- Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, natty and pickled vegetables all contain vitality boosting beneficial bacteria for improving oral health
- Strawberries contain Malic acid and provide a natural exfoliating effect to the teeth. They help to whiten the teeth, remove plaque and improve oral health
- Alkalise your diet with foods which will re-establish a healthy pH level of the body. Foods which are alkalising are fish, nuts, seeds, vegetable juices, brown rice, miso, mineral filtered water and seaweed
- Soak your grains to reduce the amount of Phytic acid present as this reduces the amount of essential minerals which are absorbed
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