Fibroadenomas are solid, benign breast lumps composed of glandular tissue that most commonly occur in women under the age of 30 and are the most common breast lumps found in women. They may however occur in women over this age due to the fact that most benign breast disorders arise on the basis of normal changes occuring in the breast throughout the various stages of reproductive life (menopause included). These lumps may range in size from smaller than a marble to as large as a golf ball and may appear suddenly and stay the same size, shrink or continue to grow. These lumps are influenced by hormones and often change size over the menstrual cycle or in pregnancy.
Fibroadenomas are usually rubbery, firm and well defined shape, but they can be difficult to feel properly. If you push on the lump it may feel like a marble and you will probably find that it moves away from beneath your fingers. This is why some people call a fibroadenoma a ‘breast mouse’. They are often painless however they can be sensitive to touch and most women find that the discomfort is increased in the few days prior to their menstrual period (increased estrogen levels).
Most fibroadenomas are left alone and not treated and may resolve on their own. While fibroadenomas are not cancerous, it is sometimes difficult for clinicians and women to feel completely confident that a lump is not cancerous. Some of these lumps need to be removed or have a biopsy to stop this concern. For most women, having an unusual breast change is upsetting. It can bring up many different feelings and worries. It’s understandable to fear cancer. It’s also common to find tests stressful and invasive.
- Increase ‘alive’ growing foods like wheatgrass, barley grass, spirulina, sprouts and soaked grains and seeds into your diet to alkalise, cleanse and remove excess oestrogen levels
- Eating more foods such as berries, grapes, green tea, fish, grains and sprouts will provide more anti-oxidants to the diet as well as help to alkalise the body’s system
- Reduce foods which contribute to lymphatic congestion such as dairy, wheat, sugar, preserved and processed foods, alcohol, tea and coffee and reduce smoking
- Diet – low fat, whole food, mostly vegetarian diet and estrogen free. Choose an alkaline diet such as fresh fruit and vegetables, oily fish, green leafy vegetables and grains (millet, brown rice, buckwheat)
- Decrease the consumption of inflammatory/ mucus forming foods such as red meats, dairy, wheat and sugar
- Vegetable juices rather than fruit juices to cleanse the lymphatic system and encourage liver detoxification
- Increase the amount of water intake in the form of herbal teas and filtered water
- Drastically reduce the amount of animals meats and products in your diet and avoid all soy products (tofu, soy milk, tempeh)
- Vitex is the main herb chosen for treatment due to its effect on hormonal regulation
- Herbs for benign growths are Thuja, Echinacea and Phytolacca
- Other herbs recommended for hormonal regulation are Paeonia, False Unicorn Root, Bupleurum, Milk Thistle and Evening Primrose oil
- It is of benefit to ensure that your anti-oxidant status is healthy so it is recommend taking a supplement which contains Vitamin C and Bioflavinoids
- Fish oil is a potent natural anti inflammatory
- B vitamins provide anti-oxidant effects, regulation of the menstrual cycle and reduce excessive amounts of androgens from the adrenals.
- Monitoring the size and shape of the lump to detect any changes
- A biopsy to evaluate the lump or surgery to remove it
- Acupuncture to reinvigorate stagnant chi to the circulation
- Consider doing a liver detoxification program to remove excess androgens/ estrogens