Chemically comprised of Hydrogen and Oxygen, two chemicals essential for human life, water is an extremely valuable resource to human existence, we can only survive a few days without its life giving presence.
The human body is about 60% water. In most tissues water is the main substance, accounting for 60% of red blood cells, 75% of muscle tissue and 92% of blood plasma.
It is no wonder many health conditions can be treated by increasing water intake into the body.
The daily recommendations of water intake varies from person to person and is dependant on age, environment (temperature, air-conditioning), food intake, smoking, pollution, exercise and kidney health.
However the following is a general guide: a daily water intake of 35 ml per kilogram of body weight, increasing to 42ml per kilogram of body weight when exercising or in extreme heat conditions.
The consumption of tea, coffee and diuretics in the diet causes a loss of water from the body. It is recommended that for every one cup of coffee or tea you drink in a day, the equivalent amount of plain water should be taken to rehydrate the body and replenish the store of water which is lost through the kidneys and processing.
Water is lost from the body via the kidneys, faeces, respiration, urine and perspiration. On average the body loses more than 2 litres of water each day through these channels. During exercise the body is capable of losing up to 3 litres of water per hour.
There are different types of water and they are sourced in different ways; these are available either naturally or bottled. It is important to know that a small amount of minerals in our water is needed to assist the water to pass the cell membranes within the body.
Water is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and regular intake will help to maintain energy throughout the day and contribute to a feeling of wellbeing. Many people confuse the thirst signal for hunger cravings. If you know you have had adequate amount of food to sustain for a period try having a few glasses of water to satisfy your cravings.