Sciatic pain is a very debilitating condition of the neuromuscular system which causes pain and numbness often experienced down the leg. It generally occurs as a result of nerve compression located in the lumbar or sacral spine. This results in the loss of feeling (sensory loss), temporary paralysis of the limb and insomnia due to […]
SOME SYMPTOMS OF POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA ARE: Persistent pain for at least 1 month involving two of the following areas: neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle Morning stiffness lasting longer than 1 hour. Absence of other diseases capable of causing the musculoskeletal symptoms Depression Loss of weight DIET TIPS FOR PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Increase Magnesium rich foods […]
Tight shoulders (muslce aches, cramps, pains, twitches and spasms) can be a very debilitating and annoying complaint. It can result in a reduction the range of movement as well as increasing the likelihood for headaches, inflammation and spinal conditions. Muscle tension is caused by the muscles bunching after contracting. The muscle fibres are then tense, […]
Turmeric, an ancient Ayurvedic (Indian) medicinal, is a yellow spice traditionally renowned for its healing properties and has experienced a recent revival for people suffering from inflammatory diseases. Turmeric is arguably the most effective and powerful spice on the planet. The herb Turmeric contains a potent compound called Curcumin (Curcuminoids) which gives the spice its […]
Chamomile is a well-known plant, used in making effective herbal remedies for the treatment of a variety of illnesses. The herb has a great soothing and relaxant action on the nervous system and the digestive system specifically when related to persistent stress and tension. It gently calms and eases nervous tension and stress. Elevated cortisol […]
Magnesium, an abundant mineral in the body, is naturally present in many foods, added to other food products, available as a dietary supplement and present in some medicines (such as antacids and laxatives). Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle […]