It is recommended to speak to your doctor concerning your symptoms and please make further investigations into why you are experiencing severe menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhoea). Tests are of benefit to find the cause behind your symptoms and to also rule out any physical causes such as polycystitic ovaries, endometriosis, uterine fibroids or pelvic inflammatory disease. […]
Pale or blue fingernails may be an indication of hypoxia (reduced circulation and oxygen). This results in low oxygen delivery to the extremities. It may also be indicative of a high level of Hemoglobin in the blood. Our skin colour tells us a lot about our health. The color of the skin is influenced by […]
CONDITIONS WHICH MAY AFFECTED OXYGEN UPTAKE: Some common factors that compromise the delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the blood stream (hypoxemia) are: • Conditions of the lung such as chronic Bronchitis, emphysema or pneumonia • Cardiopulmonary disorders that result in poor blood flow can compromise blood oxygen levels such as congestive heart failure […]