Atrial fibrillation is the disturbance of the heart beat to an irregular pattern. Atrial fibrillation is due to normal wear and tear on the heart muscle and also due to cardiovascular problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure). During atrial fibrillation, the electrical activity of the atria becomes uncoordinated. The atria beat so rapidly, as […]
The retina is the area at the back of the eye that contains millions of tiny light receptors that convert the visual images into electrical impulses. These impulses are then relayed along the optic nerve to the brain which interprets the information and forms images. If the retina becomes detached from the underlying layer the […]
Broken capillaries (capillary fragility) occurs when the micro circulatory vessels become weak or delicate causing bleeding, broken capillaries and bruising. The capillaries are the transport vehicles of circulation, red blood cells and oxygen to the tissues. COMMON CAUSES OF BROKEN CAPILLARIES genetics side effects of medications (asprin, cortisone) insufficient circulation injury or trauma inflammatory or […]
Healthy adults normally shed 50 -100 hairs each day. Temporary hair loss can occur due to stress, illness, thyroid disorder, kidney deficiency, hormonal imbalance and as a reaction to general anaesthetics and other medications. In these circumstances, a large number of hair follicles suddenly go into a resting phase, causing hair to thin noticeably, although the […]
Vertigo is a disorder characterised by an illusion of motion, persons suffering from this describe it as a sensation of spinning, to-and-fro motion or falling even though you are not. Sometimes the sensation is so strong it can cause vomiting and loss of balance. It may last for a few minutes, hours or even days […]
A stroke is much like what a heart attack is to the heart, but it occurs in the brain. A stroke involves the sudden interruption of blood flow and oxygen to areas in the brain and can cause brain damage and loss of function and may cause symptoms such as paralysis, numbness or weakness often […]
Iron is an essential mineral needed in the human body to regenerate and rebuild red blood cells. A deficiency in other minerals are often present when these symptoms arise, especially Silica and Calcium as well as B Vitamins, Folic acid, Choline and Biotin. All of these combined nutrients are needed for healthy growth and maintenance […]
Pale or blue fingernails may be an indication of hypoxia (reduced circulation and oxygen). This results in low oxygen delivery to the extremities. It may also be indicative of a high level of Hemoglobin in the blood. Our skin colour tells us a lot about our health. The color of the skin is influenced by […]
Blepharitis/ Blephitis is an inflammatory condition which affects the eyelashes and outer rims of the eyelids causing pain, irritation, blurred vision, dry eyes, red swollen eyelids, burning, itching, scaly eyelids and an increased production of tears. Another common complaint is the sensation that something is on the surface of the eye causing a gritty irritated […]
Aching legs is an issue that sees many thousands of people struggling to get some peaceful sleep at night. It can be for some a very debilitating issue which causes secondary complaints such as restless sleep, insomnia, fatigue, stress and reduce vitality. There are many causes of aching legs and it is well worth further […]