Saffron: Nature’s Sunshine for the Spirit! Did you know that saffron, often referred to as “the golden spice,” is not just a culinary delight but also a powerful ally for mental health and wellness? Here’s how this vibrant herb can help improve sleep, reduce anxiety, and uplift your spirit. Improving Sleep: Saffron has been shown […]
Long term antidepressant use can disrupt many areas of the body, for example, the health of the liver, hormonal balance, kidney health, the emotions and the nervous system. When an artificial substance is removed or weaned from the body, such as in your case the anti-depressant this can have a strong effect on the bodies […]
The Western diet tends to be deficient in beneficial oils (essential fatty acids). Many people in the Western World are afflicted with inflammatory diseases due to the typical western diet which sees people eating high amounts of refined foods, red meats and sugar. These foods cause an imbalance to the ratio of oils in the […]
Tryptophan (5HTP) is a supplement used successfully by many individuals to stabilise moods and improve nervous system function due to its effect on raising serotonin (the happy hormone) levels in the brain. This amino acid is indicated in cases of anxiety, mild depression, for pain relief, fibromyalgia, migraine, insomnia, mania, stress or obsessive compulsive disorder. […]
If you are a sufferer of depression you are not alone. According to Beyond Blue… One in four young people experiences a mental health condition and suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged 15 to 24. For Men, almost seven people die by suicide each day in Australia. Five of these are […]
Sam-E (S-Adenosylmethionine) can be purchased as a Homeopathic preparation or as a nutritional supplement. It is commonly used to address nervous system symptoms of low mood, despondancy, stress, anxiety, depression, pain management and for liver protection. It is produced by combining the amino acid Methionine and Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and is utilised in the liver. […]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS is a condition many people suffer from when convalescing from chronic illnesses (bacterial infections and virus’). It involves constant, extreme, disabling fatigue which is not relieved by bed rest. The flu-like symptoms may continue on for many years in some individuals and is likened to an autoimmune condition. Symptoms experienced by many alongside […]
Fatty liver (Liver Congestion/ Toxicity; Liver Steatosis) is an ailment where there is an excessive accumulation or infiltration of fats (triglycerides) present in and around the liver. There are two types of fatty liver, one is alcohol induced (alcohol liver disease) and one is not. Fortunately the cells of the liver are able to regenerate […]
Heavy metals such as Lead are contained in many paints and can cause health complications if a person is overexposed to them. Heavy metals can be toxic to the nervous system and causing damage to the nerve endings as well as decreased ability of the liver and kidneys to remove wastes from the body. These […]
Our world today sees us living an uber high-tech existence. In the period of one day we can spend up to 10 hours sitting, staring at screens and our bodies become tense with this expectation and are consequently filled to the maximum with stress hormones. Cyber networks seem to inform us of the latest crisis […]