Water Kefir is a fermented beverage shrouded in mystery and ancient folklore. Some think Kefir may have been the legendary Manna from ancient times. According to legend, it was a gift from the Gods that fell from the skies to feed the Israelites on their 40 day journey through the desert. Kefir has a refreshing […]
Is soy good or bad? Soy contains many beneficial nutrients such as proteins, amino acids, phytoestrogens and Isoflavones (such as Genistein, Daidzein). Soy products have been consumed in Asian diets for over 5000 years. This bean is readily available in supermarkets in the form of soy beans, soy milk, tofu, soy based protein powders, soy […]
Probiotics come in the form of a food supplement or by consuming more fermented foods. These help dramatically to benefit general health, digestive function and wellbeing by colonising the bowels with healthy bacteria. In Naturopathic terms the gut is defined as being the centre of the entire body. If the digestive function is optimal then […]
Fermented foods have come back into fashion in the last few years and I can hear our gut raising a “Hallelujah”! Research exploring these and other fermented products on gut, brain, and body health has revived health interest. The fermentation process encourages essential bacteria to flourish and colonise. Our bodies contain also trillions of different […]
This naturally fermented beverage is a delight on warm days. Fermented juices produce their own probiotic fermentation process and this creates a slightly fizzy juice. Try adding it to soda water for extra fun! 1 litre of any juice you choose – freshly squeezed by a cold pressed juicer is optimal bottle juice in a […]