An effective remedy to take pre and/or post surgery is Homeopathic Arnica 6x which is available from health food stores. Arnica is a herb commonly used before and after surgery due to its anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Arnica is known to decrease swelling, bruising and blood stagnation. It is best to take this remedy […]
Musculoskeletal injuries such as a torn or degraded cartilage can be a debilitating condition if left unaddressed. Cartilage is the soft tissue padding which is present between all joint and bones and acts like a shock absorber. Understandably cartilage experiences a lot of wear, tear and damage over time. The cartilage is essentially avascular (has no […]
Wound healing requires optimal nutrition, circulation, lymphatic flow and immunity. Using a topical cream would benefit the wound and inflammation present so that the area does not become infected, however improving the internal health of the body will also help to improve wound healing. NUTRIENTS TO ASSIST WOUND HEALING, REDUCE INFLAMMATION AND SCAR FORMATION: Zinc […]
Musculoskeletal injuries such as a torn ligament or muscle, aches, pains and inflammation can be debilitating conditions if left unaddressed. Long term therapy is essential in ensuring healthy repair so that further complications are not experienced in the future. Damage to the muscles due to sporting injuries take time to heal, be patient and remember […]
Musculoskeletal injuries such as a torn or degraded tendons and cartilage can be a debilitating condition and due to much of the area being avascular (no blood supply) can take a considerable time to heal. The treatment protocol should aim at helping to rebuild tissue structure and reduce inflammatory agents in order to decrease the […]