Changes of the menstrual cycle may occur when nearing the perimenopausal phase, these changes for some women may include light bleeding. Perimenopause occurs around the menopause stage and many women will find that this is often the same time that their mother began (often around the age of 45 to 55) to experience changes in […]
Any form of synthetic hormone such as Oestrogen when introduced to the body will create a shift in the hormonal balance. This happens because you are supplying the body with a hormone which then results in a decline in the bodies natural production of the hormone. Consequently this creates a scrambling of messages and a […]
Endometriosis is a painful condition which involves small sections of uterine tissue within the endometrium to migrate into the muscular wall of the uterus, out along the fallopian tubes or sometimes implants itself onto the surface of the ovaries, the pelvis, scars, or digestive system organs. This outcast endometrial tissue responds to monthly cycles of […]
Vitex Agnus Castus is used to normalise female reproductive issues as it helps to modulate the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone ratio specifically in the luteal phase of your cycle (ovulation). Vitex may also help to regulate and sustain a pregnancy during implantation of a fertilised ovum. Vitex may assist in correcting Luteal hormones (LH) […]