Sally James (Bach. Complementary Medicine, Dip. Applied Sc) Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Iridologist, Yogini & writer “I never want another woman or man going unheard, dismissed or told it’s all in your head. I am here to support and guide you every step of the way in your health journey” Sally’s passion and dedication to the Natural […]
Many basic principles of Naturopathy are derived from the European practice of ‘Nature Cure’. Vincent Priessnitz founded ‘Nature Cure’ at the turn of the 19th century using the practises of a good diet combined with periods of fasting, regular exercise and water therapy to assist the body to maintain health and rid itself of biochemical […]
The kidneys are a pair of organs situated at the back of the abdomen, below the diaphragm on each side of the spine just under the rib cage and weigh about 150gm each. Its functions are to regulate blood pressure, reduce acidity (metabolic acidosis), dispose of waste material from the blood, regulate water and fluid […]
Goldenseal is a plant native to North America. It was historically used by Native Americans for treating skin disorders and digestive problems. Traditionally European herbalists used Goldenseal in combination with other herbs to combat immune weaknesses. It is currently used as a dietary supplement for colds and other respiratory tract infections such as allergic rhinitis […]
Taking anti-inflammatory medication long term for pain management will help to improve your quality of life in regards to swelling, mobility, range of movement and pain tolerance, however the long term effects of this medication can be detrimental to other organs and systems of the body such as: Decreased liver function Degradation of the stomach […]
Zinc is an essential trace mineral, it is used in every enzyme pathway in the body and is present in all tissues. It is a common mineral deficiency seen in developed countries due to over farming practices depleting this mineral from the soil. Food processing also decreases the amount of Zinc contained in packaged and […]
INFLUENZA (FLU) IS A COMMON, HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS VIRUS THAT AFFECTS THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. There are two basic seasonal influenza viruses – A and B – can cause a mild to serious illness in people and even death in young children, older adults and vulnerable people. These flu’s are called winter flu’s as they commonly emerge […]
The Tea plant originated in China and over the centuries as its popularity increased it was introduced throughout Asia and into Western cultures by Turkish traders. Green Tea is produced from a plant known botanically as Camellia Sinensis and comes in three forms: green,black and white. The different kinds of tea differ due to the process […]
NATURAL TREATMENTS FOR PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Chronic pain requires a multifactorial approach to management. The long term implications on the nervous system, general wellbeing and quality of life can be highly debilitating. The following suggestions may help to alleviate some pain and combining more than one modality is the best way forward Mind/body approaches ~ Meditation, […]
It is recommended to take a break every couple of months from the regular use of herbal medicine. Many naturopaths will recommend a herbal medicine be taken for 8 weeks and then stopped. The therapist will then review and re-assess the individuals case and a new treatment plan may then be implemented. It is recommended to make a […]