Saffron: Nature’s Sunshine for the Spirit! Did you know that saffron, often referred to as “the golden spice,” is not just a culinary delight but also a powerful ally for mental health and wellness? Here’s how this vibrant herb can help improve sleep, reduce anxiety, and uplift your spirit. Improving Sleep: Saffron has been shown […]
WHAT IS INTERMITTENT FASTING? Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating with a predetermined period of time to consume caloric needs and a set period of time when one refrains from eating. This period of fasting is believed to reduce insulin levels and achieve a range of other health benefits. With intermittent fasting, the focus […]
Changes of the menstrual cycle may occur when nearing the perimenopausal phase, these changes for some women may include light bleeding. Perimenopause occurs around the menopause stage and many women will find that this is often the same time that their mother began (often around the age of 45 to 55) to experience changes in […]
Any form of synthetic hormone such as Oestrogen when introduced to the body will create a shift in the hormonal balance. This happens because you are supplying the body with a hormone which then results in a decline in the bodies natural production of the hormone. Consequently this creates a scrambling of messages and a […]
Conditions such as menopause, poor liver function, increased appetite, hormonal imbalances such as PMT, fluid retention, liver complaints, emotional problems, poor choice of foods, thyroid conditions, inactivity, sugar imbalances or diabetes can all play a part. However that said a healthy active lifestyle will go a long way to improving many of these conditions and […]
Congratulations on your decision to start a family, it is a special time of life for you and your partner. It is beneficial for both partners to do a thorough cleanse and detoxification prior to attempting to conceive as this helps to increase fertility levels, decrease the risk of miscarriage and minimises nutritional deficiencies. It […]
Cervical Dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or CIN) is a premalignant, abnormal growth of cervical tissue, it is a pre-cancerous condition which indicates that the cells of the cervix are changing and may eventually become cancerous if left untreated. Often this condition is asymptomatic and only occasionally may cause abnormal bleeding or spotting after sex. CIN […]
Fibroadenomas are solid, benign breast lumps composed of glandular tissue that most commonly occur in women under the age of 30 and are the most common breast lumps found in women. They may however occur in women over this age due to the fact that most benign breast disorders arise on the basis of normal […]
There are many reasons why people experience headaches, it is a multifactorial problem which requires support of all systems which are affected. Some common causes may be linked to hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, liver intolerances, bowel congestion, high or low blood pressure, structural misalignment, nutrient deficiencies, side-effects to medications, tiredness, stress or digestive complaints and […]
It is recommended to speak to your doctor concerning your symptoms and please make further investigations into why you are experiencing severe menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhoea). Tests are of benefit to find the cause behind your symptoms and to also rule out any physical causes such as polycystitic ovaries, endometriosis, uterine fibroids or pelvic inflammatory disease. […]