Yeast is an organism which requires food, warmth and moisture to thrive and reproduce. It converts sugars and starches via fermentation into carbon dioxide and alcohol. There are different types of yeasts which benefit the health of the body by improving immunity and nutritional status and also some which may contribute to fungal infections. The […]
Candida (intestinal dysbiosis) is caused by an opportunistic microflora which over proliferates in the body when the conditions are right, such as an acidic, damp and sugary environment. There are four different forms of Candida infections, the one which affects the face is superficial Candidiasis which involves areas of the skin and mucous membranes, including […]
An overgrowth of detrimental bacteria/ yeasts is called Candida albicans. It is a serious health condition as Candida can proliferate throughout your digestive system weakening your immunity, digestion, liver and bowel function and can lead to skin rashes. Candida (intestinal dysbiosis) is caused by an opportunistic microflora which over proliferates in the body when the […]