Continual irritation to the airways due to a persistent cough may eventuate in other symptoms such as sore throats, respiratory tract inflammation, hayfever or airways irritation.
In Naturopathic medicine often doing a challenge test is helpful to determine the trigger/ allergy. You do this by eliminating a substance from the diet for a week and monitor/ document the improvement or worsening of the symptom. If there is an improvement in the symptom then it may be possible that there is a possible sensitivity.
I would suggest that you take your child to be tested for allergies as allergies to particular substances can cause on going symptoms. Children tend to be especially sensitive to the sugar found in dairy foods called lactose. Dairy foods may exacerbate a cough in children and create mucus congestion as well.
Asthma is a serious medical condition that requires guidance from a Healthcare practitioner and/ or a G.P. According to traditional Naturopathic philosophy an wholistic approach is taken. A person is not classified with a particular disease as such, but rather the symptoms (such as asthma) are taken in to account along with all other aspects of a person’s health, family history and lifestyle.
- Removing acidic foods such as dairy and wheat from the diet often improves these symptoms in children
- Ensure that plenty of fluids are taken each day in the form of water and if you give him juice try diluting it with water, and always choose a juice which is sugar free
- Foods that may help to reduce congestion and alkalise (make less acidic) his system are lemon juice, miso soup, barley grass, manuka honey, herbal teas such as ginger, fenugreek and rosehip, aniseed and fennel
- Manuka honey may be helpful to boost immunity and reduce coughs associated with congestion
- Rather than always giving dairy milk, try alternative milks such as Oat milk, rice milk, soy milk almond milk and goats milk. This will ensure that his diet is varied and nutritious and dairy milk may cause congestion
- A herbal inhalation using Eucalytpus oil and Lavender oil
- Check the house for moulds as the spores from mould can lodge in the lungs and cause irritation or a wheeze
- Common allergic foods for children are: citrus, dairy, wheat, nuts.
- Swimming is great for children to increase lung function and to help them to learn control of breathing
- Persistant coughs generally respond well to accupuncture by stimulating the immune system, clearing cold or heat from the body, reducing dampness and helping to expel wind (the invading pathogen)
- Get a definitive diagnosis as to what the cause of the problem is (hypersensitive immunity, respiratory infection, allergies, asthma etc)
- If you took him to see a Naturopath they may give him some herbs which may help to reduce any allergic responses, such as Baical Skullcap, Licorice, Albizzia, Bupleurum, Coleus.
- Herbs to help support immunity – Acerola, Elderflowers, Grindelia, Elecampagne. Some anti-tussive herbs to stop a cough are Licorice, Sage, Thyme and Myrrh
- Herbs to help soothe a cough – Licorice, Mullein, Marshmallow, Sage, Thyme and Coltsfoot
- The Oil Garden make an essential oil blend called Breathe Easier, which when diluted in a carrier oil such as Sweet almond oil and rubbed on to the chest area may help to break up congestion on the chest
- A herbal inhalation using Eucalytpus oil and Lavender oil
- Children respond well to Cod liver oil to help their immune system and also as it may reduce irritation and inflammation of the mucus membranes
- Anti-oxidants help to play a role in strong immunity. A multivitamin which contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc may be of benefit to increase their resistance to bugs and also reduce sensitivity
- Green lipped mussels are anti-inflammatory to reduce smooth muscle constriction related to the wheeze and symptoms of obstructed airways