Heavy Metals

Heavy metals such as Lead are contained in many paints and can cause health complications if a person is overexposed to them. Heavy metals can be toxic to the nervous system and causing damage to the nerve endings as well as decreased ability of the liver and kidneys to remove wastes from the body. These metals can also affect brain activity and the respiratory system. There are many companies which are now producing natural pigment based paints as an alternative to the toxic ones.


Taking into account that your friend was exposed to toxic fumes before his condition presented you may like to investigate the possibility of Heavy Metal toxicity via diagnostic hair testing. Hair Testing is a painless, non-invasive method of Biochemical Testing that is particularly suited to the measurement of Mineral levels. Hair grows slowly and is relatively stable. It therefore accumulates Minerals. This permits average levels of Minerals in an individual’s body to be measured over a long-term period (other methods of biochemical testing tend to measure levels of a compound only at a the point in time at which the test is administered).

Hair Testing is very effective and accurate for the measurement of levels of the following Heavy Metals:

  • Aluminium
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Lead
  • Mercury

If high levels of heavy metals are found then a common Naturopathic approach is the implementation of a liver detoxification program. An excess of heavy metals in the system can result in a decrease in liver detoxification, bowel function, kidney waste removal, brain function and nervous sensitivity. Heavy metals can agitate the nerve endings causing them to bunch (nervous distress) and to send irregular and often incorrect messages across the synapses which may result in miscommunication and behavioural oddities.

Naturopaths view a patients condition holistically, taking in to account many different aspects of an individuals health and wellbeing. An initial consultation with a Naturopath involves taking a record of a wide range of signs, symptoms, living environment, past medical history, family history, diet and lifestyle etc. A treatment plan is then devised to help support the persons body to heal itself as much as is possible for it’s individual situation. In light of this, diseases are not individually named or targeted rather an overall treatment of the individual is the aim of the treatment protocol. In regards to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder a Naturopath can not claim to cure this condition, however we can give you advise in regards to diet, lifestyle and supplementation to support his nervous system and liver detoxification process.


  • Eat a clean diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, water, grains, nuts and seeds and quality protein
  • Choose organic sources of fruits, vegetables, chicken and eggs
  • Ensure proper hydration to keep the bowel regular and cleanse the Kidneys
  • Have a vegetable juice each day to cleanse the body, regulate pH levels and promote liver detoxification. Some healthy combinations are beetroot, carrot, celery, ginger, green beans, parsley and corriander
  • Increase Sulfur containing foods in your diet to help the liver to detoxify, these foods are cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts and green beans


  • Support kidney and bowel function
  • Encourage gentle liver detoxification
  • Chelating heavy metals and helping to remove them from the body requires guidance so please make an appointment with a Healthcare professional who can assist you properly so that no harm is done by the heavy metals leaching and causing further complications


  • Some heavy metals can be safely removed from the body by gently encouraging liver detoxification and cleansing. Take a supplement which supports liver and kidney function to bind to the heavy metals from the body such as Chlorophyll, Corriander, Spirulina, or Chlorella
  • Take herbs to promote blood cleansing such as Red Clover, Rhubarb, Rheumannia, Burdock, St Marys thistle, Dandelion, Corriander and Bupleurum
  • Increase Vitamin C foods in diet or consider taking a supplement
  • Take an antioxidant supplement which contains herbs such as Grape seed, Olive leaf, Green Tea and Polygonum.
  • Chelating heavy metals and helping to remove them from the body requires guidance so please make an appointment with a Healthcare professional who can assist you properly so that no harm is done by the heavy metals leaching and causing further complications
  • Vitamin C powder helps to cleanse the liver and lymphatics and promote the removal of heavy metals from the body