The exact cause of Psoriasis is unknown, however the triggers for psoriasis include stress, infection, skin wounds, sunburn, candida, excessive alcohol intake and certain prescribed medications. Poor bowel function, obesity, impaired liver function, and incomplete protein digestion are also risk factors for psoriasis and should be addressed as part of your treatment plan. A deficiency of essential fatty acids and the mineral Sulphur has also been implicated. Psoriasis is sometiimes linked with an over active immune disease. The skin cells multiply and this rapid growth causes thickening of the skin.
- It is important to keep your digestive system healthy – eat a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, keep red meat (which contain arachadonic acid and prostaglandin inflammatory cells) and dairy products to a minimum and substitute these with plenty of fish, raw nuts and seeds
- Ensure you drink 6-8 glasses of water per day to support kidney, liver and bowel health
- A high fibre intake is particularly important for bowel health and elimination of wastes. High fibre does not always imply pasta, bread and rice as fibre is available from many food groups including fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts and seeds
- Increase oily foods in your diet to provide better moisture to the skin and a barrier to help soothe irritations – raw unheated olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts, fish and avocados
- Reduce inflammation within the body by alkalising the blood. Foods which are alkaline are sprouts, fish, miso soup, millet, vegetable broths and juices, water, lemon juice and green barley powder. Reduce inflammation causing/ heating foods such as wheat, sugar, dairy, alcohol, soft drinks, preservatives, processed and refined foods and red meat
- A diet high in simple sugars such as Sucrose, fructose, glucose and anything ending in -ose is also implicated in psoratic complaints as sugar exaggerates inflammatory conditions and Candida overgrowths
- Keep a symptom diary as this may help you to determine the foods that aggravate the condition
- Use fragrance free moisturisers, shampoos, creams, soaps and deodorants (especially when the rash is present under the arms). Some common irritants, which may cause a worsening of the skin sensitivity, contained in most body and face care products are sodium lauryl sulphate or any of its derivatives, benzenes, petroleum based products, aluminium, chlorhexidine, dioxins, Ethylenediamide tetraacetic acid (EDTA), parabens and hydrazines
- Manage stress levels as high levels of anxiety and unease can greatly add to the irritation of the skin and increase the urge to scratch. Scratching may relieve the itch but slows down the healing process and may scar the skin
- Address underlying Candida infestation, nervous system, liver congestion, Kidney deficiency, bowel health, digestion and immunity
- Herbs that may help reduce inflammation and the body’s resistance to the irritants are Licorice, marshmallow, bupleurum, ginger, chickweed, pinellia, siberian ginseng, dandelion, st marys thistle, calendula, aloe vera, paw paw, golden seal and chamomile. A Naturopath can tailor make a herbal supplement to your needs
- People with inflammatory skin conditions are often deficient in anti-oxidants such as Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Selenium
- Homeopathic remedies such as Sulphur to ease skin conditions especially hot, dry and itchy skin complaints
- Fish oils contain potent anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids which may help to moisturise and nourish the skin while reducing inflammation
- Topical creams such as Chickweed, comfrey, aloe vera, vitamin E cream or paw paw may be used as these may help with the frustrating itch. Also make an oatmeal bath by taking a stocking or muslin cloth and add 1 cup of crushed oats tie it at the ends and when running a bath let the bath water run through the stocking, also use it to dab the particularly inflamed spots on the skin
- Probiotics will help to ensure bowel health and immunity
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