Improving your diet will be an important part of healing, concentrating on wholefoods and organic foods will help his system to regain strength and ensure nutrient status. Alkalising foods will also help to cleanse and nourish his system, these foods are water, lemon juice, vegetable juices, miso soup, fish, sprouts, nuts and seeds, green super foods (Wheatgrass, Chlorophyll, Spirulina) and organic meats
Reducing acidic foods in the diet will help the liver and lymphatic systems to cleanse and remove metabolic wastes, these foods are dairy, wheat, sugar, alcohol, processed and refined foods, coffee, tinned foods and deep fried fatty foods
Avoid sugar completely as it may suppress immunity further
Ensure that you follow a gentle exercise regime such as walking, yoga or swimming to help prime immunity in the convalescent stage of healing
Consider a gentle detoxification regime when your vitality and energy levels return
Meditation and deep breathing exercises are beneficial to improve immunity
The herbs Astragalus, Ligustrum, Licorice, Codonopsis, and Reishi mushrooms have a regulating effect on the immune system and may help to reduce the overproduction of white blood cells associated with the condition
Vitamins A & D and Shark cartilage are indicated to preserve the health of the immune system
Green Tea may be taken post-radiation as a potent antioxidant to neutralise free radicals while building immunity, oxygenation, liver health, lymphatics and general health
Blood building herbs to improve Kidney and Lymphatic health are Rhemannia, Spirulina, Beetroot powder and Rhubarb
Antioxidants such as Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Lipoic acid and Selenium are beneficial to support the immune system to scavenge free radicals that contribute to a decline in immune function.
Herbs which are rich in potent anti-oxidants are Japanese Knotweed, Grape Seed, Olive leaf, Oregon Grape root, Milk Thistle and Turmeric