Blood Sugar Levels

It is very important to be aware of the different forms of sugar in the diet. Basically, there are Simple Carbohydrates and Complex Carbohydrates. Simple sugars are released quickly into the bloodstream and can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. An example of this is the 11 am come down many people experience during the day. This can often be caused by having a breakfast that consists of too many simple sugars. Many Breakfast cereals for instance contain high amounts of simple sugars that cause the blood sugars levels to sky rocket in the morning. High amounts of sugar in the blood stream can cause an over production of insulin (needed to draw sugar into the cells for energy) and after a few hours of this there is a crash in the blood sugar levels as they drop too low, too fast.

The solution is too become aware of Complex Carbohydrate food options and steer away from the simple sugars. However a small amount of simple sugars in the diet is necessary and beneficial such as those found in fruits. Fluctuations can be avoided by including some protein in the meal as this helps to slow down the dispersal of the sugars into the blood stream. For instance if you were to eat some fruit for breakfast, combine it with some yoghurt or nuts for the protein.


  • Eating a good breakfast will make it easier for your body to balance blood sugar levels throughout the day
  • Try to combine a small portion of protein with complex carbohydrates – for example unsweetened muesli with yoghurt and nuts, or whole grain toast and egg. The protein content helps to slow the release of sugars into your blood stream. This helps to maintain a more consistent level of energy throughout the morning and avoid the sugar lows. It’s fine to eat your favorite fruits as long as you combine them with some protein such as nuts and yoghurt. Or put them in a smoothie. In fact, the majority of your food intake should be from fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Include whole grain foods and quality protein sources (such as almonds, fish, and organic dairy products)
  • Reduce all simple sugars in all forms such as lollies, cakes, sweets, biscuits, soft drinks etc. (Hint: When reading labels, look for words ending in -ose, such as glucose, maltose, lactose as these are all forms of sugar)
  • A diet which high in fiber, low in saturated fats and low in concentrated sugars (foods which have a high Glycemic Index)
  • Reduce your consumption of fructose, simple sugars, transfatty acids (bakery foods, fatty foods and deep fried foods), artificial sweetners (sorbitol and aspartame).
  • A low glycemic index diet may help to control diabetes and reduce high blood sugar levels. Low GI foods are foods with a glycemic index of below 50 and help to better stabilise the blood sugar because they don’t contain high amounts of simple sugars. If you wish to have a list of foods and their GI value, go to the following website:
  • Eating small meals regularly can help to maintain blood sugar levels during the day, blood sugar levels are typically highest one to two hours after a meal. Not overeating means that the body is better able to regulate blood sugar levels without being overloaded
  • A balanced diet means not depending on carbohydrates only for an energy source. A diet high in carbohydrates means the body will need to produce more insulin which can cause dysglyemia (sugar irregularities) as well as energy slumping an hour or so after eating. Foods that contain carbohydrates are grains, pasta, rice, crackers, cereals, legumes, cakes, sweets, deserts, potatoes, corn, peas, starchy vegetables and squash


  • Maintaining a healthy body weight, keeping a regular exercise routine, eating healthy foods and minimising simple and refined sugars in your diet may reduce the possibility of pancreas and insulin insufficiency in the future
  • Regular exercise is an important part of reducing diabetes as physical activity moves sugar from the blood into the cells and helps to reduce insulin resistance and stabilising blood sugar levels


  • The mineral Chromium supports the pancreas to produce insulin (which draws sugar into the cells) to ultimately balance blood sugar levels. Chromium is a nutrient which many people have a deficiency of due to it being used by the body in high amounts and is not at optimal levels in the soil or foods we eat. Chromium is a trace mineral which is depleted in soils due to over farming practices, and eating a diet high in refined foods further depletes the body’s levels. It is an important nutrient for the management of blood sugar levels because it is needed by the pancreas to produce insulin which helps to regulate blood sugar levels, it is also needed for carbohydrate metabolism which is a common weakness in diabetics and blood sugar imbalances
  • The minerals Magnesium, Zinc and Vanadium may help to control blood sugar levels
  • Gymnema has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine to treat what the Indians refer to as madhu meha meaning honey urine. In other words it can be used in the treatment of Diabetes 1 and 2 and blood sugar imbalances as it appears to lower serum glucose. Another effect of Gymnema is taste alteration. After taking Gymnema, sugar products tend to lose their taste and this helps to lower sugar cravings which may assist in helping to maintain balanced blood sugar levels by removing the urge for sugar bingeing
  • B Vitamin complex containing Biotin and Lipoic acid may help to restore function to the pancreatic cells (Islets of Langerham), reduce destruction of these cells and improve blood sugar regulation
  • Beta glycans and fibers may help to better regulate blood sugar levels
  • Other herbs which help to maintain blood sugars and improve pancreatic health are: Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Flaxseed, Korean Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng and Stevia