There is a lot of supporting data concerning dairy foods contributing to a worsening of symptoms in tonsillitis; however, there are no strong conclusions formed or studies done to substantiate this. Most people find that dairy foods do in fact contribute to mucus production and a worsening of the congestion when there are respiratory infections present. Naturopaths […]
NATURAL TREATMENTS FOR PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Chronic pain requires a multifactorial approach to management. The long term implications on the nervous system, general wellbeing and quality of life can be highly debilitating. The following suggestions may help to alleviate some pain and combining more than one modality is the best way forward Mind/body approaches ~ Meditation, […]
Sucrose is a simple sugar composed of fructose (fruit sugar) and glucose which is obtained from sugar cane, it may also be known as Beet sugar, Cane sugar and table sugar. The presence of sucrose in the stool is an indication of the bodies inability to digest and absorb sucrose in the diet. This food […]
Bowel reflux is an umbrella term for digestive complaints (inflammation, irritation) similar to irritable bowel syndrome. The digestive tract is likened to one long pipe, what happens at the top of the pipe (mouth and stomach) affects what happens at the bottom end (intestines and bowels). Suffering from indigestion will have a run on effect […]
A bowel enema is the procedure of introducing liquids to cleanse the colon via the anus. The water volume causes expansion of the lower gastrointestinal tract causing the bowel wall to contract releasing wastes from the bowel wall. Enemas can be beneficial in helping to restore normal bowel function in individuals suffering from chronic illnesses, […]
Fatty liver (Liver Congestion/ Toxicity; Liver Steatosis) is an ailment where there is an excessive accumulation or infiltration of fats (triglycerides) present in and around the liver. There are two types of fatty liver, one is alcohol induced (alcohol liver disease) and one is not. Fortunately the cells of the liver are able to regenerate […]
Indigestion is a symptom of insufficient digestive processes and may also be known as an upset stomach or dyspepsia. Impaired digestion is a sign that the processes of digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of wastes is sub-optimal. The digestive system is the hub of the body, it is where we take in vitality and […]
The stomach and digestive organs are the hub of the body, it is where the body absorbs life giving nutrients, transfers wastes into the bowels from the blood stream and rids the body of toxins. Many naturopaths believe that if you treat digestive complaints many other secondary complaints will disappear, as healing takes place from […]
For sufferers of Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), eating can be a painful experience. Doctors once recommended a diet consisting of only bland foods. This was helpful to some as it meant the elimination of the foods which aggravated the condition such as spices, fatty foods and fried foods. However there are healthy food […]
When quitting the Oral contraceptive pill (OCP) supporting your body to remove the excess synthetic estrogens from the body. To help reduce any side effects it is important to do a cleanse or detoxification and rebalance hormones. WHICH MINERALS AND VITAMINS DOES THE ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE PILL DEPLETE? The oral contraceptive pill is known to deplete […]