Did you know regular exercise helps maintain good physical and mental health? 30 minutes a day is all you need to reset your attitude. When you go for a walk it’s not just your body that benefits. Here are some great reasons for walking that confirms that walking will create and maintain a healthy mind. […]
My personal experience of Yin Yoga is a deep, enriching, unravelling of the unconscious spirit and concious physical body. It is a unique healing modality which allows me to start to re-balance my nervous system by breathing and letting go into the pose and staying there releasing, unravelling, restoring and repairing in the space. Yin […]
Tight shoulders (muslce aches, cramps, pains, twitches and spasms) can be a very debilitating and annoying complaint. It can result in a reduction the range of movement as well as increasing the likelihood for headaches, inflammation and spinal conditions. Muscle tension is caused by the muscles bunching after contracting. The muscle fibres are then tense, […]
We have compiled 10 simple and easy ways to help keep yourself and your family healthier and stronger. A healthy outlook is a good start, however making small improvements to your diet and lifestyle is what drives health deep. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy life! Follow the Mediteranean style of eating! This means buying in […]