
Vertigo is a disorder characterised by an illusion of motion, persons suffering from this describe it as a sensation of spinning, to-and-fro motion or falling even though you are not. Sometimes the sensation is so strong it can cause vomiting and loss of balance. It may last for a few minutes, hours or even days and should be investigated further. Vertigo is a different condition to other similar conditions such as faintness, unsteadiness or syncope (loss of consciousness) and should be differentiated from these via diagnosis.

Vertigo or dizziness can result from a central or peripheral vestibular disorder within the inner ear. Inside the inner ear is a series of canals filled with fluid. These canals are oriented at different angles, and as the head moves, the movement of the fluid inside these canals tells the brain how far, how fast and in what direction the head is moving. This information is then used by the brain to move the eyes an equal and opposite amount, so that the image that is ‘seen’ by the eyes does not blur and remains clear.


  • Trauma or ear damage
  • Immune virus
  • Cerebral ischaemia
  • Sinus congestion
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Acute Labyrinthine Dysfunction (infection, alcohol, toxins, drugs, cigarette smoke, hypoglycaemia, a sudden drop in blood pressure, allergy or food intolerance)
  • Benign positional vertigo which is initiated by a chance in head position, usually lasts less than a minute
  • Occupational hazards (welding, painting, printing, formaldehyde exposure or rubber, metal and petroleum production industries)
  • Migraine
  • Pharmaceutical medications (steroids)
  • Dehydration


  • Address any of the above common causes
  • Determine if occupation is a contributing factor
  • Check blood pressure
  • Address any present infections, virus’ and inflammatory conditions which may be a contributing factor
  • Begin a detoxification program if there has been chemical exposure, heavy metals, mercury exposure from dental filings or petrochemicals
  • Check for food (salicylates) and chemical sensitivities
  • Check for hypoglycaemia
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs
  • Address ongoing sinus congestion, immune weakness, coughs, congestion and colds
  • Anxiety may be a contributing problem
  • If you have recently suffered from congestion, sinus or an ear infection you may wish to help clear any residue lymphatic waste by doing an ear candling session
  • Physical examination of the ear canal
  • Assess cholesterol levels


  • Magnesium deficiency is a common underlying cause of vertigo. Magnesium is an essential mineral to balance Calcium levels in the circulation. An influx of Calcium concentrations may cause hardening of the small capillaries which feed the circulation to the ears. Foods which are high in Magnesium are nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, soy beans, brewers yeast, cacao, molasses and wholegrain cereals
  • Increase the dietary intake of fish and essential fatty acids to help reduce inflammation and increase circulation to the micro-capillaries of the ears. Foods which are high in essential fatty acids include fish, flaxseeds, nuts, seeds and avocados* Increase antioxidant intake in the diet such as berries, fish, turmeric, ginger, garlic, citrus, vegetables, onions and grapes
  • Drink ginger/ turmeric tea or take a ginger/ turmeric capsule as the warming effects of these help to promote circulation, reduce congestion and address inflammation* Consider a Vitamin B supplement to encourage better circulation
  • Use coconut oil in cooking to increase healthy fats in your diet
  • Ensure adequate dehydration, the ear canal is regulated by fluid and a decreased intake or fluid retention produce problems
  • Reduce saturated fats from the diet as a diet high in these can promote circulatory congestion and cause blockage of the circulation. Foods such as rancid oils, deep fried and fatty foods, fried chips, bakery foods, cakes and slices have high amounts of cholesterol and detrimental fats
  • Take a supplement which contains essential fatty acids such as fish oil or flaxseed oil
  • Take a Magnesium supplement to address deficiency, 80% of people have a need for higher levels of Magnesium due to refined or poor diets, stress, smoking, nervous system disorders or nutritional deficiencies* Consider increasing your Vitamin C and Bioflavinoid stores by taking a supplement which contains these. You may need to take between 5-10g of Vitamin C daily to address a chronic deficiency.


  • Consider a supplement which contains high antioxidant content such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, oregon grape, Ginkgo, Brahmi, Grape seed, Green tea and Gotu kola
  • If the vertigo is accompanied by anxiety then treatment of the nervous system is suggested to help reduce stressed nerves and promote calm. Herbs such as Withania, St Johns Wort, Passionflower, Oats or Magnolia may be beneficial